13. Summary of Skills

Summary of Skills

You've really learned a lot at this point in the course! You should be familiar with each part of the machine learning workflow from data loading and processing to model training and deployment.

Machine learning workflow.

Machine learning workflow.

By studying specific case studies, you should have a better idea of what kinds of machine learning models may be applied to different scenarios.

  • Essentially, you want to choose an unsupervised or supervised model based on the given data
  • Often you'll want to process and transform your given data to extract the most relevant and comparable features for a given task
  • Then you'll want to refine your choice of model and tune it based on constraints given by a business problem or the data itself
  • You also looked at different ways to visualize what your trained models have learned and different ways to measure success through a variety of model evaluation metrics

In this last example, you saw how to define and train a custom model of your own design, by specifying the model architecture and a training script . Now, you are ready to move on to the final project!